Be a part of raising funds to bring clean water to Northern Thailand!
Several schools in the area are banding together in order to raise enough funds to complete a water project for a community in the Northern Hill Tribes of Thailand.
Clean water is at the core of providing a way for the hill tribe villages to escape the life of poverty. Water resource and sanitation projects provide for:
Clean drinking water and bathrooms/latrines located in the villages
Sanitation and reduced disease
Increased ability to provide food for their own people through gardens and fish ponds
Agricultural opportunities such a coffee bean and soybeans
Freed up time to explore and work on business endeavors
Increased focus on education for children
And more
Hope starts with clean water and flows to endless opportunities that are far-reaching, life sustaining and hope giving!
Construct village water supply system
Construct latrines for the whole village (each family)
Gardens for each family and/or fishponds
Training: hygiene, sanitation, watershed management, and gardens