School Fundraiser for a Water Project!

Be a part of raising funds to bring clean water to Northern Thailand!

School Fundraiser for a Water Project!  image

Several schools in the area are banding together in order to raise enough funds to complete a water project for a community in the Northern Hill Tribes of Thailand.

Clean water is at the core of providing a way for the hill tribe villages to escape the life of poverty. Water resource and sanitation projects provide for:

  • Clean drinking water and bathrooms/latrines located in the villages
  • Sanitation and reduced disease
  • Increased ability to provide food for their own people through gardens and fish ponds
  • Agricultural opportunities such a coffee bean and soybeans
  • Freed up time to explore and work on business endeavors
  • Increased focus on education for children
  • And more

Hope starts with clean water and flows to endless opportunities that are far-reaching, life sustaining and hope giving!

Construct village water supply system
Construct latrines for the whole village (each family)
Gardens for each family and/or fishponds
Training: hygiene, sanitation, watershed management, and gardens
Approximate total cost: $15,000